Urban Sawmilling and Environment
Unique Woodcraft in Salzburg: Unlocking Potential with the Wood-Mizer WM1000 Sawmill
Salzburg, Austria—renowned for its majestic mountains, shimmering lakes, and vibrant forests—is the setting of a remarkable woodworking story. Nestled in this picturesque environment, Roman Franek, the owner of the “passt.at” carpentry workshop, shares his transformative experience with the Wood-Mizer WM1000 sawmill. This machine has elevated his craft and expanded his business.
Revitalizing Urban Trees in London for a Second Life
It's the dream of many a maker to create furniture with timber sourced a matter of yards from the workshop. While that might be achievable for people living in rural settings, when your workshop is in the heart of the East End of London, not exactly timber country, that sounds pretty nigh impossible. Thanks to the eminently portable Wood-Mizer LT20 sawmill the Eric Street Plane tree, felled some five hundred paces from my workshop and lying somewhat unloved for the last eighteen months, is now resting in a neat stack of many dozens of valuable planks.
The Emerging Economy of Urban Wood
By sawing urban wood with a Wood-Mizer portable sawmill, Megan Offner and New York Heartwoods are reducing wood disposal expenses, redirecting material from the waste stream, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, fueling the demand for local wood products, and growing an exciting new economy.