From Logs to Legacy: The Art of Swedish Carpentry with Wood-Mizer Technology
"Working with your hobby allows for endless hours of enjoyment. I am living the dream." This is Rasmus Ström's perspective on woodworking at his carpentry workshop, Ädelsnickaren. Utilizing Wood-Mizer's woodworking equipment, e.g. the MP260 planer/moulder, Rasmus crafts specialized products ...
Two Brothers from Sweden Successfully Run Their Construction and Carpentry Workshop
Göran & Lennart Ståhl make woodworking products and supply local customers with quality timber for building and finishing houses in Sweden. The brothers rely primarily on the tools and machines from Wood-Mizer's Woodworking range, including the four-sided MP260 planer/moulder and the MP160 thicknesser.
FAVORITE WORK FOR LIFE – the story of a woodworker from Sweden
“The lumber they sell at hardware stores is costly, so people look for ways to buy it cheaper. They call me, and I make all sorts of things for them – flooring, walls, and roof paneling, even some specialty moulding for historical houses. For these quality products, I use logs from 200-year-old forests,” explains Hans Larsson, a sawyer and carpenter from the Swedish town of Vansbro.
Wood-Mizer Sawmills and Woodworking Equipment Help Advance Swedish Wood Industry
Sweden is a country with rich traditions of woodworking and reverence for forests which cover two-thirds of the country. With forests properly maintained, the wood-processing industry has a leading position in the Swedish economy. Many foresters, sawmillers, and woodworkers rely on Wood-Mizer equipment that helps their owners to run successful woodworking businesses throughout Sweden.
Learning Woodworking with Wood-Mizer in Sweden
Each time Swedish entrepreneur David Virén makes a board with his Wood-Mizer planer/moulder, he feels as if he has learned another lesson about wood. "Working with wood is more than just a job to be done. It's a learning process that you can get much satisfaction from," he explains.
Crafting Custom Wood Floors is a Creative Outlet for Swedish Project Manager
Nils Ohlin works as a project manager full time, but at home, he’s also managing a growing business producing premium custom wood floors.